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国会已经通过一项法案来减少二氧化碳在大气中的水平,否则人类是麻烦。根据一种或另一种方式,参议员Barbra Boxer和John Kerry将要推出其期待已久的法案在2009年12月,在全国范围征收温室气体排放量。环境保护署署长丽莎?杰克逊发布了旨在控制发电厂和其他大型工业排放物的法规。这些政府机构可以提出规则,提高公众对全球变暖的认识。减少大气中二氧化碳含量的一个方法是环保。如果人们开始购买混合动力汽车,二氧化碳排放量将减少50%。混合动力汽车使用半电半化我们使用更少的天然气将帮助我们保护我们的环境。绿色技术肯定能使我们远离依赖外国石油,在这个过程中节省我们的钱。减少对环境有害的化学品、塑料和其他物品的数量将防止全球变暖。我们应该使用风能或太阳能生产的绿色能源。它将使环境更清洁,我们不必燃烧化石燃料,煤和石油,这将增加二氧化碳的水平。如果我们转向绿色能源,我们可以减少能源开支,正如奥巴马所说的那样,“它也将在美国创造更多的就业机会”。
Congress has to pass a bill to reduce carbon dioxides levels in the atmosphere, or otherwise the human population is in trouble. According to One way or Another, Senator Barbra Boxer, and John Kerry are going to introduce their long-awaited in bill in December 2009, to impose nationwide limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Lisa Jackson, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, issued proposed rules that would regulate emissions from power plants and other large industrial sources. These government agencies can propose rules, and raise public awareness to stop global warming.One way to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is to be environmental friendly. If people start to purchase hybrid cars it would reduce the CO2 emission by 50 percent. Hybrid cars use half electricity and half gasif we use less gas it will help us protect our environment. Green technology can definitely move us away from being dependent on foreign oil, and save us money in the process.Reducing the amounts of chemicals, plastics, and other items that are harmful to our environment will prevent global warming. We should use green power, which is produced by wind or solar energy. It will make the environment cleaner, and we don't have to burn fossil fuels, coal, and oil; which will increase the carbon dioxide levels. If we switch to green power, we could decrease our energy bills, and as Obama said in One Way or Another, "It would also create more jobs in the U.S."

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