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一些病人对非甾体类抗炎药产生反应的根本原因还没有完全解释,但是,皮肤反应的诱发因素已经被确定。这些因素包括特应性素质、女性性别、成年早期和慢性荨麻疹病史等。非甾体抗炎药引起的血管性水肿在一般人群中的患病率为0.1% ~ 0.3%;然而,在有慢性鼻炎、哮喘或荨麻疹病史的患者中,患病率可高达20%-30%。本病例报告了一个孤立的非外伤性阴茎血管性水肿,这是在滥用布洛芬试图缓解牙痛后发生的。53岁男性,既往无明显病史,急诊科(ED)见生殖器肿胀,见图1。病人报告说右下牙疼痛和面部肿胀持续了几天,并逐渐加重。在接受急诊科检查的前一天,他每6小时服用1600毫克的布洛芬来缓解疼痛。第三次注射后,他感到全身发痒。第二天早上,他感到阴茎有压力,检查时发现有肿胀。他否认阴茎外伤、阴茎分泌物、阴茎皮疹、睾丸疼痛、淋巴结肿大和任何性行为。他能够在肿胀开始前后排尿。病人没有任何呼吸短促、喘息、声音嘶哑、流口水或胸痛。他否认有任何性传播疾病(STDs)的病史,他还说他是一夫一妻制,他的最后一次性接触是在症状出现前一周。他否认排尿困难,血尿,发烧,发冷,腹痛或腹痛,没有呕吐或腹泻。他否认使用抗生素或其他药物。
The underlying cause as to why some patients react to NSAIDs are not completely explained, however, predisposing factors have been identified in regards to cutaneous reactions. These factors include atopic diathesis, female sex, young adulthood and a history of chronic urticaria among others5. The prevalence of angioedema caused by NSAIDs is 0.1% – 0.3% in the general population; however, in patients with a history of chronic rhinitis, asthma, or urticaria, the prevalence could be up to 20%-30%3.The case described in this paper reports an isolated non-traumatic penile angioedema, which occured after an overuse of Ibuprofen in attempts to relieve dental pain. A 53 year old male patient with no significant past medical history, presented with genital swelling to the emergency department (ED), refer to Figure 1. The patient reported right lower dental pain and facial swelling for a couple of days that became progressively worse. A day before presenting to the ED, he took 1600mg of Ibuprofen every 6 hours for pain. After the third dose, he experienced body itchin. The morning after, he felt pressure in his penis and when he checked he noticed the swelling. He denied penile trauma, penile discharge, penile rash, testicular pain, swollen lymph nodes and any sexual activity. He was able to urinate before and after the swelling commenced. The patient did not experience any shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness, drooling or chest pain. He denied history of any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), he also stated that he was in a monogamous relationship and his last sexual encounter was a week before the symptom onset. He denied dysuria, hematuria, fever, chills, abdominal or flank pain, no vomiting or diarrhea. He denied using antibiotics or other medications.

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