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悲剧,在古典意义上的流派,要求死亡作为一个明确的结局。尽管主角的英雄地位,或者也许因为它,他的死亡提供了他或她的人民的希望,通过他的英雄行动的记忆和知觉牺牲为社会。在悲剧的最后阶段,对主角死亡的悲伤的表达,因此,反映了他的牺牲,以及它揭示了上帝的计划,那些留在后面,而不是反映他的不幸的状态。英雄的痛苦与一个明确的基督教道德;在Julius Caesar,例如,莎士比亚操纵一个著名的异教徒来到一个糟糕的结束了的故事,是一个著名的异教徒来到一个糟糕的结束了基督教的道德故事,加强神审判的公正。与此相关的是,英雄的审判既揭示了命运的不确定性,将个人历史与更大的公共历史联系起来的概念。悲剧的结论,因此,确定一个共同的基督教信仰的神圣和死亡的神秘性作为一个过渡,而不是一个结局的价值。与此相反,古典悲剧的结局是个人试图破译人类经验的奥秘,呼吁这种社会信仰的问题,而不是重申他们。因此,莎士比亚悲剧可以看作是对宗教教义的不同概念之间的对抗,并进入了启蒙的人文主义从中世纪的戏剧结构过渡是。
Tragedy, in the classical sense of the genre, requires death as a definitive ending. Despite the heroic status of the protagonist, or perhaps because of it, his death offers hope for his or her people, through the memory of his heroic actions and perceived sacrifice for the community. The expression of grief over the protagonist’s death in the concluding stages of the tragedy is, therefore, a reflection of his sacrifice and what it has revealed about God’s plan for those who remain behind, rather than a reflection of his unfortunate state. The sufferings of the hero were linked to an explicitly Christian morality; in Julius Caesar, for example, Shakespeare manipulates the tale of a famous pagan who came to a bad end into a was a famous pagan who came to a bad end into a tale of Christian morality, reinforcing the justness of God’s judgment. Associated with this is the notion that the trials of the hero both reveals the uncertainty of fate and links individual history to a greater communal history. The tragic conclusion, therefore, confirms the value of a communal Christian belief in the mysteriousness of the divine and death as a transition rather than an ending. In contrast, the classical tragic ending is an individual attempt to decipher the mysteries of the human experience, calling such communal faiths into question rather than reaffirming them. Hence, Shakespearean tragedy can be seen as a confrontation between two disparate notions of religious doctrine, and represents the transition from medieval dramatic structures into the humanism of the Enlightenment.

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